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Category : communications

Mobile broadband services market inquiry notice & questionnaire


ICASA hereby publishes a notice of intention to conduct an inquiry into mobile broadband services in terms of section 4B of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act No.13 of 2000, read with section 67(4) of the Electronic Communications Act No.36 of 2005, to the extent reflected in the Schedule.

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ICASA, Cell C and MTN reach a settlement on the matter relating to implementation of End-User and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations


The matter between Cell C (Pty) Ltd, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and MTN SA in relation to the implementation of the End-User and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations was settled today

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ICASA is soliciting comments on the draft International Mobile Telephony (IMT) roadmap


ICASA is calling for comments on the Draft International Mobile Telephony (IMT) Roadmap – an important process that seeks to ensure universal availability of broadband services, a vibrant and competitive telecommunications industry as well as promote investment in the country.

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Submission date and venue of applications for MUX3 radio frequency spectrum remain unchanged


Since ICASA Head Office is relocating to Centurion, Pretoria, we would like to inform all prospective applicants that the date and place for submissions (MUX3 radio frequency spectrum) remains unchanged.

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Withdrawal of the 2016 Invitation To Apply for the licensing of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum


ICASA announces the withdrawal of the Invitation To Apply (ITA) for a radio frequency spectrum licence to provide mobile broadband wireless access services for urban and rural areas published in 2016, following a settlement agreement reached with the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services.

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Recent report on tariff analysis plans offered by network service providers


ICASA publishes its recent report on tariff analysis plans offered by network service providers 

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