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Category : media-release

ICASA welcomes the facilities leasing ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal against Telkom


ICASA hereby welcomes the ruling by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) against Telkom on a matter relating to the leasing of facilities between licensed operators.

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ICASA conducts a workshop on the management of cell extenders in SA


ICASA will be hosting a virtual workshop with licensees, electronic communications manufacturers and other interested stakeholders to discuss ways to manage the type-approval and installation of cell extenders in SA.

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ICASA reaffirms its position to appeal the judgement on the licensing of spectrum


ICASA has considered the detailed reasons for judgement in respect of the interdict granted to Telkom and, as it relates to the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high-demand International Mobile Telecommunications (“IMT”) spectrum, as well as the ITA for the WOAN and reaffirms its position thereof.

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ICASA notes the court interdict issued in respect of the licensing of spectrum - pursues an appeal process


ICASA notes the outcome of Telkom’s application to interdict ICASA from proceeding with the auction process in terms of the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high demand spectrum as well as the ITA for the Wireless Open Access Network (“WOAN”) both of which were issued on 2 October 2020.

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ICASA appoints new members of the Complaints and Compliance Committee


ICASA welcomes the appointment of five (5) new members of the Complaints and Compliance Committee (CCC) whose appointment came as a result of the end of term of the former members in December 2020.

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ICASA to oppose the court application filed by MTN at the High Court


ICASA received an urgent court application on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, filed by MTN (Pty) Ltd (“MTN”) in respect of the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high demand spectrum. The Authority is currently reviewing the application and has instructed its legal representatives to oppose the application.

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