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Category : media-release

ICASA conducts public hearings in respect of the proposed amendments to the numbering plan regulations.


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa is holding virtual public hearings in respect of the proposed amendments to the Numbering Plan Regulations, 2016, as published in Government Gazette No 46080. The hearings will take place from 23 – 24 June 2022.

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Notice to Stakeholders to Comment on Draft Domestic Violence Tariff Regulations


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”), hereby encourages all electronic communications service providers to make written comments on the Draft tariff of compensation payable to electronic communications service providers proposed by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, under section 5B(9) of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998)

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ICASA announces the resignation of the Chairperson


ICASA announces the resignation of the Chairperson

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ICASA conducts a final public workshop in respect of licensing applications for community radio services


The Authority will host a final virtual public workshop on 09 June 2022 in relation to the Invitation To Pre-Register (ITP-R) published on 15 December 2021. The workshop follows the re-opening of the licensing process for community radio broadcasting services and related radio frequency spectrum across the country.

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ICASA convenes public hearings in respect of Telkom’s application to amend its Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence


ICASA convenes public hearings in respect of Telkom’s application to amend its Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence

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ICASA consults further on the Inquiry into the Subscription Broadcasting Services Market


The ICASA Council has resolved that, based on ongoing developments in what is a rapidly changing market, the consultation process in respect of the Inquiry into the Subscription Broadcasting Services Market must be extended into the current financial year.

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