Disposal of all electronic communications equipment confiscated between the year 2000 and 2018

Johannesburg – The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is required, in terms of the law and regulations, to confiscate all electronic communications that are not type-approved and do not meet the minimum standards as envisaged by the provisions of the legislation.

ICASA has been effective in exercising its mandate in this regard and has, in its possession, such electronic communications equipment in its different regional offices across the country. The Authority is therefore inviting all parties whose electronic communications equipment has been confiscated between the year 2000 and 2018 for non-compliance with the regulations to make written representations motivating why such equipment should not be disposed of.

All affected parties are further advised that, when making such written representations, they are required to include a copy of confiscated slip issued by the ICASA Inspector and a certificate of compliance issued by ICASA in terms of the Regulations.

In terms of the notice published in the Government Gazette on 28 August 2018, all written representations must reach ICASA by no later than 18 September 2018, failing which such electronic communications equipment shall be forfeited to the Authority and will be disposed of in terms of the law.


For all media enquiries please contact:

Paseka Maleka

011 566 3455

079 509 0702


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