Statement by Councillor Nomonde Gongxeka-Seopa at the session to allocate PEB slots to political parties contesting the 2019 elections

Programme Director

Members and delegates of all political parties

Delegates from broadcasting service licensees here present

The media

All stakeholders

Good morning

The Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), acting in terms of section 4(4) (a) read with Section 17 of the ICASA Act 2000, delegated two Councillors to lead the process that we gathered here for. The two Councillors are Dr. Keabetswe Modimoeng who is also the acting Chairperson of ICASA and myself Councillor Nomonde Gongxeka-Seopa.

We are assisted by committee members: Maano Dzebu, Ndawo Khanyile, Thabitha Serumula, Kabelo Thelele, Katlego Seanego, Yolani Goci, Ashwin Fairbairn, Phelelani Khumalo, Fikile Hlongwane and Busisiwe Mashigo. In addition, the committee will be assisted by the following members: Tshegofatso Magano, Keneilwe Motaung, Xolani Makhoba, Siphiwe Hlongwane, and Teboho Malefane.

We are indeed content that the day has finally arrived for us to pave the way for political parties contesting the 2019 elections to communicate with the South Africans; and encourage them to make the right choice when they go out there to cast their votes.

Ladies and Gentlemen The Authority published in the government gazette the Regulations on Party Election Broadcasts, Political Advertisements and the Equitable treatment of 

Political Parties by Broadcasting Service Licensees on 25 February 2019. The Authority further made slight amendments to the Regulations on 02 April 2019 to allow equitable airtime to be allocated to political parties.

These Regulations came into being subsequent to the Authority’s extensive consultation and workshops held with Political Parties and broadcasting service licensees across the country. All contributions were considered in developing the final regulations that will govern fair and equitable coverage of the May 8, 2019 elections by licensed broadcasters.

Regulation 5 of the Party Elections Broadcasts and Political Advertisements Regulations provides for the allocation of PEB slots to registered political parties contesting the national and provincial elections on the basis of the respective principles set out in Annexure A of the said Regulations.

To achieve the above, the Authority depends on the final list of contesting political parties provided by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). ICASA finally received the list on the 2nd April 2019; and we believe that we should not waste any more time but commence with the allocation of slots to allow political parties enough time to share and communicate their electoral messages with their electorates and of course their constituencies.

Ladies and gentlemen

The allocation process will be based on the following principles:

All political parties will come forward to draw their basic slots provided for in terms of the Regulations. Following from this, parties will come forward to make a draw based on the three (3) principles provided for in the regulations.

  • Basic Allocation both Nationally & Provincially
  • Number of Seats currently held both Nationally & Provincially
  • Number of fielded candidates both Nationally & Provincially

Kindly note that these principles were applied successfully during the 2016 municipal elections and were therefore adopted for the 2019 amendments.

The amended Regulations (2019) make a provision for a broadcasting service licensee to transmit ten (10) PEB slots per day. Each recorded PEB should not exceed fifty (50) seconds. The 10 slots per day is an increase from the 2014 Regulations which made provision for eight (8) slots per day. It should be noted that PEBs are not paid for in order to be transmitted but the legislation provides for them to assist all contesting political parties to have access to the airwaves as they garner support and votes for the elections.

In terms of the ECA, the SABC is the only licensee that is legally mandated to carry PEBs, while all other broadcasters are given an option to decide whether they would like to carry PEBs and are therefore required to inform ICASA in writing. A number of broadcasters have indicated their willingness to do so. A list of broadcasters that will carry PEBs will be uploaded on the Authority’s website and will later be published in the government gazette.

Please note that a political party is permitted to approach any broadcasting service licensee that has indicated an interest in transmitting PEBs and hand over such PEB for transmission at the time or slot to be allocated today. When submitting such PEBs for transmission, political parties are requested to observe the language requirements of the broadcasting service concerned, the code of conduct for broadcasters and adhere to the technical standards as outlined in the Regulations.

We kindly request political parties to familiarize themselves with the contents of the regulations as well.

The broadcast of PEBs will commence 120 hours from today’s allotment, which makes it the 10th of April 2019. This will then mark the beginning of the Election Broadcast period. The Authority will publish the schedule of all PEBs on the website by no later than end of business tomorrow, 05 April 2019.

The Authority urges all political parties to make use of the slots allocated to them.

Finally, those parties who are not present to draw their slots, Ashwin Fairbairn and Phelelani Khumalo will act as Proxies and draw on their behalf.

I thank you!!!!

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