Communities urged to comply with the closing date with regards to applications for community radio station licences

Pretoria – The closing date for pre-registrations in respect of applications for Class Community Sound Broadcasting Service and related Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences for purposes of providing community sound broadcasting services is fast approaching and stakeholders and communities are reminded to ensure that they do not miss the submission date of 30 June 2020.

“This licensing process commenced as far back as November 2019 and this closing date will not be extended further. All interested prospective applicants are encouraged to ensure that they submit their applications within the stipulated deadline”, says ICASA CEO Mr. Willington Ngwepe.

On 12 November 2019, ICASA issued an invitation to apply for pre-registration in respect of applications for Class Community Sound Broadcasting Service Licences and applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum for purposes of providing community sound broadcasting services. The closing date for pre-registrations was 30 March 2020.

The closing date was initially extended to 30 April 2020 following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and the declaration of the national state of disaster by the President of the Republic of South Africa. However, upon further consideration of the implications of the extended lockdown period, the Authority resolved to further extend the closing date to 30 June 2020 in order to afford further opportunity and time for communities to finalise any consultative processes required to compile their applications.

Over three decades, community broadcasting has encouraged grassroots participation through the selection and provisioning of programmes, forged networks and alliances between people of diverse backgrounds, and has given a voice to minorities such as the youth, women, persons with disabilities as well various cultural groups.

The licensing process will be undertaken in the following two phases:

  • Phase 1: Consideration of the applications for pre-registration of a Community Sound Broadcasting Service licence in line with the provisions of the Community Service Broadcasting Regulations. This process will be concluded within 90 working days of the closing for receipt of the applications; and
  • Phase 2: Registration of a Community Sound Broadcasting Service licence to be submitted 30 days after the decision on pre-registration. The registration phase will be completed within 30 working days of receipt of the application.

It should be noted that the Authority may hold public hearings in respect of received applications during Phase 1 of the process.

It should further be noted that the Authority reserves its right not to consider any applications that do not meet the requirements as set out in this Invitation To Pre-Register (ITP-R) or applicable legislations and regulations.

The Authority would like to reiterate that walk-ins are still prohibited at ICASA offices and advises all interested communities and/or stakeholders to submit an electronic copy (one copy) through the dedicated mailbox i.e. by no later than 11h00 on 30 June 2020.

For further information on this licensing process, please contact Mr Thabo Ndhlovu via email on

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