ICASA clarifies the misstatement made by the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) during an SABC television interview

Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA / the Authority) would like to assist and clarify the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) to understand the role of the Authority as it relates to the Universal Service and Access Fund (USAF) collections.

Speaking on behalf of the NCRF during an interview on Media Monitor (SABC Channel 404) on 12 July 2020, the Forum’s General Secretary Mr Thabang Pusoyabone stated that ICASA collects annual fees through USAF and such funds do not reach community radio stations. It is clear from this contention that the NCRF seems to believe that USAF collections must subsidise community radio stations and accuses ICASA of hoarding these funds.

It must be put on record that the role of ICASA as contained in the Electronic Communications Act (ECA) of 2005 is, among others, to issue licences, monitor compliance, develop regulations; and to do all these in the public interest. The Authority does not administer nor does it sponsor, fund or allocate USAF collections to community radio stations.

Chapter 14 of the ECA provides for the establishment of the Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA) which administers the USAF; and such funds are therefore paid into the National Revenue Fund.

In terms of Section 89 (1) of the ECA, every holder of a licence granted or considered to have been granted in terms of Chapter 3 of the ECA, except community broadcasting service licences, must pay the prescribed annual contribution to the USAF. Therefore, the Authority is required in terms of Section 89 (2) to prescribe the basis and manner of determination of contributions, which must not exceed 1 (one) percent of the licensee’s turnover or as determined by the Minister. The Authority must further prescribe the dates when such contributions must be payable and the manner in which they may be paid.

It was therefore incorrect and improper for the NCRF to make such statements or utterances on national television, purporting to cast aspersions on the Authority and undermine its critical mandate of regulating in the public interest. And this was done without due regard of the implications thereof and must be withdrawn.

For the record, all licence fees collected by the Authority or contributions made to the Authority by licensees or prospective licensees are paid to the National Revenue Fund or National Treasury. It is therefore not the responsibility of ICASA to fund, sponsor or pay annual licence fee collections to community radio stations.

For all media enquiries please contact:
Paseka Maleka
Tel : (012) 568 3455
Cell : 079 509 0702
Email : pmaleka@icasa.org.za

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