ICASA is reviewing the Customer Care Standards Regulations for Postal Services Licensees to improve service levels

Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ( ICASA / the Authority) invites all interested stakeholders to make their written submissions in respect of the draft Amendment Customer Care Standards Regulations for Postal Services Licensees (The Regulations).

In amending the current regulations, the Authority aims to support the provision of quality postal services by updating minimum standards to protect and promote the interests of postal services consumers. Further, the Authority seeks to bolster monitoring, enforcement and compliance with the customer care standards as provided for in the regulations. These customer care standards cover, among other issues: accessibility, visibility, languages and reports on complaints received (both resolved and unresolved).

According to ICASA Councillor, Dr Charley Lewis, consumer protection measures in respect of postal services require an urgent review as part of the Authority’s important legislative mandate to protect consumers on all matters, including in the postal services sector. “There are a number of complaints or matters that require the attention of the Authority within the postal services sector. It is therefore important that we undertake this process in order to ensure improved service levels, as well as to set turn-around times for complaints handling,” says Dr Lewis.

The postal services sector remains key to the Authority, because it services the poorest and most vulnerable sectors of the population, especially communities in rural areas, where the service may differ compared to the one rendered in urban areas.

“It is therefore required of the Postal Services Licensee to provide good quality services to all communities, irrespective of their social standing, where they are situated, the languages they speak, or any disabilities they may have. The Licensee is further obliged to secure the integrity and confidentiality of personal information of customers in its possession in line with the applicable law,” says Dr Lewis.

Interested stakeholders have until 16h00 on 5 May 2021 to make their written submissions to the Authority in respect of the draft regulations.

Click here to access the draft regulations


For all media enquiries, please contact:

Paseka Maleka

Tel : (012) 568 3455

Cell : 079 509 0702

E-mail : pmaleka@icasa.org.za

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