The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) met with the ‘Friends of a Free Internet’ on Friday, 17 May 2024, to discuss their call for “government to expand affordable Internet access to everyone”.
This engagement coincides with ICASA’s own commemoration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, the 2024 theme of which is “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development”.
As the independent authority regulating the electronic communications, broadcasting and postal services sectors in the public interest, ICASA seeks to enable universal affordable access for all South Africans.
The engagement provided a platform for ICASA to highlight its ongoing efforts to ensure widespread access to communication services across the country.
The meeting highlighted some of the following areas:
- Universal Service Obligations on Licensees: ICASA shared its progress towards requiring public service institutions (schools, clinics, hospitals, libraries, traditional offices) nationwide to be connected by those Licensees awarded spectrum through the 2022 spectrum. By 31 March 2025, 50% of these institutions are expected to be connected.
- Universal Coverage: ICASA also highlighted that the Licensees are actively deploying infrastructure and are on track to meet their coverage targets, utilising the full range of spectrum assigned to them via the auction. This timeline follows the successful completion of Phase 1 of the broadcasting digital migration.
- Zero—rating: ICASA has now gazetted the application process through which Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) and government entities may apply to have their Internet websites zero-rated. This is an important framework that will substantially lower the barriers to Internet access.
- Licences: ICASA has already issued the Licensees concerned with amended licences, which include the above obligations. Full details are set out in each Licensee's Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence, which can be accessed through the ICASA Library.
- End-User and Subscriber Service Charter: ICASA is currently engaged in a stakeholder consultation process intended to provide more effectively for the roll-over and transfer of unused data and OTT bundles.
“ICASA remains committed to enhancing universal affordable access to high quality communication services for all who live in South Africa, and to addressing stakeholder concerns through ongoing dialogue, to regulating effectively in the public interest in line with our legislative and policy mandates”, says ICASA Chairperson, Mothibi Ramusi.
For all media enquiries, please contact:
Milly Matlou