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ICASA notes media reports relating to various purported transactions pertaining to Cell C


ICASA statement regarding the purported acquisition of Cell C as well as roaming arrangements and facilities sharing pertaining to the company.

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Invitation for pre-registration relating to applications for community sound broadcasting service licences


The Authority hereby issues the invitation to apply for pre-registration in respect of applications for Class Community Sound Broadcasting Service Licences and applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum for purposes of providing community broadcasting services.

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ICASA to issue an invitation to apply for new community broadcasting services


ICASA will, within seven (7) working days, publish an invitation for prospective applicants to complete a pre-registration notice which is a prequalifying stage for the registration of a class broadcasting service licence. The notice will include a list of available frequencies in each district and local municipality as per the Terrestrial Broadcasting Frequency Plan 2013.

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ICASA is ready to engage stakeholders on the process leading up to the licensing of high demand spectrum


ICASA publishes the Information Memorandum on the licensing process for the assignment of the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum or what is also referred to as high demand spectrum 

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ICASA encourages the community broadcasting service licensees to comply with regulatory requirements


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has noted the recent media reports and statement issued by the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) stating that the Authority has closed down 43 community radio stations; and that this is an onslaught against the community radio sector. ICASA is therefore providing a clear context relating to the alleged closure including the actual number of the said community radio stations.

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ICASA to issue an Information Memorandum on the licensing process for high demand spectrum


ICASA will publish the Information Memorandum on the licensing process for the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum or what is also referred to as high demand spectrum.

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