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Memorandum of Agreement with the Competition Commission to address issues of concurrent jurisdictions (concurrent authority)


ICASA and the Competition Commission of South Africa intensify their relationship by signing a Memorandum of Agreement

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Notice of Extension: Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has extended the submission date for written comments on the Draft Findings Document in respect of the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services. The submission date has been moved from 27 August 2019 to 04 October 2019.

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Review of the Price Cap Regulations for Reserved Postal Services


ICASA intends to review the postal services framework in order to impose effective price controls in the reserved postal services market.

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Reasons for decision to grant a Commercial Free To Air TV Broadcasting Service Licence to Kwesé Free TV


ICASA issues reasons for its decision to grant a Commercial Free To Air Television Broadcasting Service Licence to Kwesé Free TV (PTY) LTD

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Notice to lift the moratorium in respect of applications for community broadcasting services and radio frequency spectrum


ICASA has lifted the 2015 moratorium in respect of applications for Class Community Sound Broadcasting Service Licences and applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum for purposes of providing a community broadcasting service. Kindly 

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ICASA begins a process to review Annexure B of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations of 2015


ICASA has published a notice of intention to amend Annexure B of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations. The amendment is necessitated by the need to promote adoption of latest technological gadgets operating in the licence-free radio as well as frequency spectrum bands on a non-interference and zero protection basis from interference. 

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