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Bi-annual Tariff Analysis Report


The tariff analysis report issued by ICASA assists consumers to make informed choice in the consumption of communication services

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Draft findings document in respect of the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services


ICASA publishes its draft findings in respect of the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services. This is the process that started in 2016 when ICASA published a notice of its intention to conduct an inquiry into the state of competition in the subscription broadcasting services sector. The Draft Findings are published for further comments, subsequent to which ICASA will publish the Final Findings.

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ICASA completes the inquiry into the use of digital sound broadcasting services and publishes its findings and position


ICASA has completed the process for developing a Findings Document and Position Paper on Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB), following an inquiry into the use of DSB in South Africa. ICASA will publish the draft regulations on DSB during the current financial year

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2019 Political Party Election Broadcasts schedule


The Authority has, under Section 57(2) of the ECA determined the time to be made available to political parties for the broadcast of PEBs, including the duration and scheduling PEBs

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Statement by Councillor Nomonde Gongxeka-Seopa at the session to allocate PEB slots to political parties contesting the 2019 elections


Statement by Councillor Nomonde Gongxeka-Seopa at the session to allocate party election broadcast slots to political parties contesting the 2019 national and provincial government elections

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Findings and position on ICASA's roles and responsibilities on cybersecurity matters


ICASA has published the Findings Document and Position Paper following an inquiry into the role and responsibilities of the Authority in cybersecurity.

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