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Public hearings on the draft Radio Frequency Migration Plan


ICASA will hold public hearings in respect of the Draft Radio Frequency Migration Plan published for comments on 24 August 2018.

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Withdrawal of the 2016 Invitation To Apply for the licensing of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum


ICASA announces the withdrawal of the Invitation To Apply (ITA) for a radio frequency spectrum licence to provide mobile broadband wireless access services for urban and rural areas published in 2016, following a settlement agreement reached with the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services.

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Recent report on tariff analysis plans offered by network service providers


ICASA publishes its recent report on tariff analysis plans offered by network service providers 

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Discussion Document on the regulatory challenges facing the unreserved postal services sector


ICASA is calling on all interested stakeholders to make their written submissions in respect of the Authority’s initial analysis on matters relating to the unreserved postal services with the primary focus being regulatory challenges affecting the unreserved postal sector. Kindly find attached for more information.

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Discussion Document for public comments on the role and responsibilities of the regulator on cybersecurity matters


ICASA has published a Discussion Document to solicit written submissions in respect of its role and responsibilities in the regulation of cybersecurity

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ICASA is reviewing regulations that will see fair and equitable treatment of political parties during the 2019 election


ICASA has published the draft regulations that will govern broadcasters’ coverage of the national and provincial government elections in 2019. We would like to have written representations on the draft regulations

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