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Public Hearings on Draft Regulations for Community Broadcasting Services


ICASA holds public hearings to engage further on the draft regulations for community broadcasting services

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Opening address by Adv. Dimakatso Qocha at the DSB public hearings


Statement by ICASA Councillor adv. Dimakatso Qocha at the public hearings on the discussion document on digital sound broadcasting services, 11 July 2018

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Written submissions and public hearings in respect of a discussion document on digital broadcasting services


ICASA receives written submissions and will hold public hearings in respect of a discussion document on digital broadcasting services

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Briefing note: asymmetry in mobile and fixed wholesale voice call termination


The purpose of this briefing note is to provide clarity in respect of the principles in relation to asymmetry following the review process of the 2014 call termination pro-competitive conditions imposed on licensees.

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Youth Month Message


ICASA and other government departments continue to celebrate the 100 years of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu through different initiatives and programmes such as Mandela Fridays; and young people are also encouraged to know the history and take part in all these initiatives to be the legacy.

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North West FM submits an application for transfer of its commercial sound broadcasting service licence


North West FM submits an application for transfer of ownership and control of its commercial sound broadcasting service licence to ICASA

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