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Celebrating World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, 17 May 2018


World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) is celebrated annually across the world on the 17th of May.

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Workshops in respect of the review of the regulatory framework governing the community broadcasting services sector


ICASA begins the process to engage with stakeholders through workshops in respect of the review of the regulatory framework governing the community broadcasting services sector

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ICASA has taken the first of three critical steps to address the cost to communicate


The recent publication of the End-User and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations is the start of a three-pronged process to address concerns around cost to communicate, particularly as regards data services. 

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Notice to extend submission due date to Draft Regulations for Community Broadcasting Services


Notice of intention to extend the due date for the submission of written comments on the Draft Regulations For Community Broadcasting Services  

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Notice of Public Hearings: Inquiry into Subscription Broadcasting Services (Revised)


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa hereby give notice to convene oral hearings on the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services in accordance with Section 4B of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, read with section 67(4) of the Electronic Communications Act.


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End-User and Subscriber Service Charter Amendment Regulations 2018


End-User And Subscriber Service Charter Amendment Regulations In Terms Of Section 4 Read With Section 69(3) Of The Electronic Communications Act No. 36 Of 2005, As Amended

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