Latest News

Announcement of the final End-User And Service Subscriber Charter Regulations - Statement by Cllr Mokhele


Statement by ICASA Cllr Mokhele on the announcement of the final regulations in respect Of The End-User And Service Subscriber Charter

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Media Briefing: End-User and Subscriber Services Charter.


All stakeholders are kindly invited to the media briefing in respect of the decision on the review of the End-User and Subscriber Services Charter. 

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Findings Document and Draft Regulations: Regulatory framework governing the community broadcasting services sector


ICASA publishes findings document and draft regulations in respect of the review of the regulatory framework governing the community broadcasting services sector

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Notice of Public Hearings: Historically Disadvantaged Groups and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment


Notice of Public Hearings to be held in respect of the review and development of the Authority position on Historically Disadvantaged Persons and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment

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Revised timelines for submission of responses to the Discussion Document on Priority Markets


Revised timelines for submission of responses to the Discussion Document on Priority Markets 

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ICASAs 2018-19 APP presentation to Parliament


ICASA's  2018-19 Annual Performance Plan (APP) presentation to Parliamen's Portfolio Committee on Communications

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