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Conclusion of the preliminary evaluation of applications to pre-register for community television broadcasting service and radio frequency spectrum licences


The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa has concluded its initial evaluation of applications to pre-register for Community Television Broadcasting Service and Radio Frequency Spectrum licences for the provision of community television broadcasting services on Multiplex 1 frequencies.

A total of 20 applications have met all the prequalification criteria, and now proceed to the next phase 1 of the evaluation and licensing process.

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ICASA appoints an Acting Chairperson


The Council of Icasa wishes to announce the appointment of Councillor Yolisa Kedama as its Acting Chairperson, effective from 04 April 2023 to 30 September 2023, or until a Chairperson is appointed.

Councillor Kedama is a specialist in the field of radio frequency planning and a researcher in new technologies in the satellite communication environment. She joined ICASA as a Councillor in 2020 and holds a Master of Management degree in the field of ICT Policy and Regulation, a Bachelor of Science degree and a Certificate in Financial Management.

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A step closer to achieving a connected South Africa where no one is left behind


As we conclude the month, ICASA takes this opportunity to reflect on some of the measures taken by the Authority to promote Universal Access and Service for all South Africans, but especially the digitally marginalised, in the townships and informal settlements of our cities, and in the remote rural areas.

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Invitation to a Virtual Consultation on the Impact of Load-shedding on the Telecommunications, Broadcasting and Postal Sectors


ICASA invites interested stakeholders to a virtual consultation workshop to engage on the impact of load-shedding on the electronic communications, broadcasting, and postal services sectors, and to identify potential mitigation measures that lie within the scope of the Authority.

This workshop follows the announcement made by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 9 February 2023, during the 2023 State of the Nation Address, that the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs has declared a national state of disaster in response to the ongoing electricity crisis and its effects.

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Icasa calls on consumers to exercise their consumer rights in ensuring access to ict servic

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ICASA publishes three Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans for high-demand spectrum


Icasa has published for further public consultation, three 2nd Draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans (RFSAPs) for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) systems.

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