Licence Renewals

In Terms of section 11(3) read with section 9(2)(a) of the Electronic Communications Act. the Authority is required to give notice of the application (s) to renew Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Services and Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences in the Government Gazette and invite interested persons to submit written representations in relation to the application.


LM Radio renewal application

E-TV renewal application

SABC renewal application

M-Net Renewal Application

M-Net Renewal Application

Multichoice Licence Renewal Application

Power 98.9 Licence Renewal Application

VUMA FM Licence Renewal Application

Giyani Community Radio renewal application

Smile FM licence renewal application

The Authority hereby gives notice that it has received an application to renew the Cape Town Radio (Pty) Ltd t/a Smile 90.4 FM’s (“the Applicant”) Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Services and Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences lodged in terms of regulation 10 of the Licensing Processes and Procedures Regulations 2010 (as amended) for Individual Licences read with section 11 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005) (the “ECA”).

Choice FM licence renewal application

SIGNED Magic 828 Renewal Notice