Licence Amendments


Hot 1027 (Pty) Ltd Amendment Application

Power 987 Amendment

Mobile RFS_eTV

Reasons for the decision: Application for the amendment of the I-CSBS licence by Primedia Holdings (567 Cape Talk)

This document sets out the reasons for the decision of the Authority in relation to the application for the amendment of the Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service ("I-CSBS") licence by Primedia (Pty) Ltd with regards to 567 Cape Talk ("the Applicant").

Reasons for decision: Application for amendment of an ICSBS Service Licence By Primedia Holdings (94.7 Highveld Stereo)

This document sets out the reasons for the decision of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”) in relation to the application for the amendment of the Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) licence by Primedia (Pty) Ltd, t/a 94.7 Highveld Stereo (“the Applicant”).

Reasons for decision: Application for the amendment of service and radio frequency spectrum licences by Cape Town Radio (SMILE 90.4 FM)

Application for the amendment of individual commercial sound broadcasting service and radio frequency spectrum licences by cape town radio (PTY) ltd t/a smile 90.4 FM in terms of section 10 and section 31(4) of the electronic communications act no. 36 of 2005

Reasons for the decision: amendment of an individual public sound broadcasting service licence by the SABC with regards to SA FM

This document sets out the reasons for the decision of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”) in relation to the application to amend an Individual Public Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-PSBS”) Licence submitted by the South African Broadcasting Corporation with regards to SA FM (“the Applicant”).

Reasons for the decision to grant the amendment of the I-CSBS Licence belonging to Classic FM

This document sets out the reasons for the decision taken by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”) to grant the amendment of the Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) Licence belonging to Classic FM South Africa (Pty) Ltd (“the Applicant”).

Application for Amendment of an Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service Licence for 567 Cape Talk

The Authority hereby gives notice that it has received an application from Primedia (PTY) Ltd on behalf of its radio station Cape Talk (PTY) Ltd (“the Applicant”), for an amendment of its Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) licence in terms of section 10 of the Electronic Communications Act, No 36 of 2005 (“EC Act”)

Application for the amendment of the 94.7 Highveld Sterio I-CSBS licence by Primedia

The Authority hereby gives notice that it has received an application from Primedia (Pty) Ltd in respect of 94.7 Highveld Stereo (“the Applicant”) for the amendment of its Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) Licence lodged in terms of section 10 of the Electronic Communications Act No. 36 of 2005 as amended (“the EC Act”) read with regulation 9 of the Licensing Processes and Procedure Regulations for Individual Licences and Special Temporary Authorizations, 2010 published in Government Gazette No. 33293 of 14 June 2010, as amended by the Amendment Individual Processes and Procedures Regulations 2015 published in Government Gazette No. 39871 of 30 March 2016 (“Processes and Procedures Regulations”)

Application for the amendment of the I-CSBS licence by Vuma 103FM (Pty)

The Authority hereby gives notice in terms of section 9(5) of the Electronic Communications Act, Act No.36 of 2005, as amended, that after considering the application for the amendment of the I-CSBS licence by Vuma 103FM (Pty) Ltd, the amendment application was approved, and licence issued to the Applicant.


The Authority hereby gives notice that it has received an application to amend Cape Town Radio FM (Pty) Ltd. t/a Smile 90.4 FM’s (“the Applicant”) Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) and Radio Frequency Spectrum (“RFS”) Licences, lodged in terms of section 10 of the Electronic Communications Act No. 36 of 2005 as amended (“the EC Act”) read with regulation 9 of the Licensing Processes and Procedure Regulations for Individual Licences and Special Temporary Authorizations, 2010 published in Government Gazette No. 33293 of 14 June 2010, as amended by the Amendment Individual Processes and Procedures Regulations 2015 published in Government Gazette No.39871 of 30 March 2016 (“Processes and Procedures Regulations”).

You FM (North West FM) Licence amendment application

The Authority hereby gives notice that it has received an application from North West FM (Pty) Ltd (“You FM”), for an amendment of its Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) Licence lodged in terms of section 10 of the Electronic Communications Act No. 36 of 2005 as amended (“the EC Act”).

Licence Amendment by Vuma 103 FM

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“the Authority”) hereby gives notice that it has received an application from Vuma 103 FM (Pty) Ltd (“the Applicant”) to amend its Individual Commercial Sound Broadcasting Service (“I-CSBS”) Licence, lodged in terms of Regulation 9 of the Processes and Procedures Regulations for Individual Licences,2010 as amended; read with section 10 of the Electronic Communications Act, No 36 of 2005 (“EC Act”).

TitlePublish DateGazette NumberDownload
TitlePublish DateGazette NumberDownload
Notice: Vuma FM Licence Amendment Application 2020-10-12 43793
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Application Documents